Cassette Filters

A compact filter with an additional molecular filtration media layer to provide enhanced IAQ through combined particle filtration and gas filtration.
CityCarb is the ultimate solution when a high performance compact filter and a high performance molecular (gas, odour) filter must be installed in a single location. CityCarb filter can easily be fitted into new or existing standard filter frames. Particle filtration media is combined with an exclusive “Broad Spectrum” carbon media that exploits the benefits of “Rapid Adsorption Dynamics”

A compact filter with an additional molecular filtration media layer to provide enhanced IAQ through combined particle filtration and gas filtration.
CityCarb is the ultimate solution when a high performance compact filter and a high performance molecular (gas, odour) filter must be installed in a single location. CityCarb filter can easily be fitted into new or existing standard filter frames. Particle filtration media is combined with an exclusive “Broad Spectrum” carbon media that exploits the benefits of “Rapid Adsorption Dynamics” (RAD)to remove a very wide range of VOCs and odours. Molecular pollutants are released from both external sources (traffic fumes, power generation ,
industry) and internal sources (building construction and finish materials, wooden materials, carpets, cleaning agents etc).
The filter should be replaced when the pressure loss exceeds the maximum allowable value for the ventilation system or after a maximum of one year. In accordance with good practice, used CityCarb filters should be bagged immediately after removal and disposed of by the appropriate route.

Mounting/Frames: Front and side access housings and frames are available
The CitySorb filter utilizes a highly effective broad spectrum carbon media to ensure removal of a very wide range of airborne chemicals.
The broad spectrum carbon operates with a Rapid Adsorption Dynamics (RAD) mechanism that is specifically designed to be highly efficient against the multiple chemicals that are typically present in low or moderate concentrations in city-centre buildings or other locations.
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• Compact “2 in 1” filtration solution; particulate and molecular
• Ideal for filtering organic acids
• 100% incinerable
• Can be used to upgrade existing installations
• Range of standard sizes
• Rapid Adsorption Dynamics (RAD)
• Filter class F7 acc. EN 779:2012
Application: Particle and odour removal in museums, art galleries, libraries etc.
Type: V-Bank Filter
Frame: Plastic
Gasket: Polyurethane, endless foamed
Media: Synthetic/Activated carbon
Dimensions: Filter front dimensions according EN 15805
Maximum airflow: 1,25 x nominal flow
Temperature max: 50ºC
RH. max: 70%
Mounting/Frames: Front and side access housings and frames are available
A compact filter with an additional molecular filtration media layer to provide enhanced IAQ through combined particle filtration and gas filtration.
CityCarb is the ultimate solution when a high performance compact filter and a high performance molecular (gas, odour) filter must be installed in a single location. High efficiency particle filtration media is combined with an exclusive “targeted” molecular filtration media that exploits the benefits of “Rapid Adsorption Dynamics” (RAD) to specifically remove low molecular weight organic acids. These contaminants are unavoidably released from wood and paper based artefacts in cultural heritage establishments due to the degradation
of cellulosic polymers. As the target pollutants are from internal sources, the CityCarb CH filter should be mounted in the recirculation or return air system. CityCarb HC is also extremely effective against the external source pollutants; ozone and nitrogen dioxide.
The filter should be replaced when the pressure loss exceeds the maximum allowable value for the ventilation system or after a maximum of one year. In accordance with good practice, used CityCarb filters should be bagged immediately after removal and disposed of by the appropriate route.

• Specially designed for Process Safety (Food Life Science application)
• Food compliant – EC1935:2004
• Anti-microbial growth certified (ISO846 – VDI6022)
• Sealed bag for transport through clean room
• The latest developed glass fiber media with high water repelancy
• QR code for a quick access to information and certificates
• Lower energy costs
• Resistance up to 5500 m3/h
• Light and easy maintenance through handles
• Delivered in standard with continuous PU gasket for efficiency warranty
Application: Air conditioning applications and preparatory filtration in clean rooms.
Type: V-Bank Filter Frame: ABS Media: Glass fiber
Separator: Hot Melt
Sealant: Polyurethane
Dimensions: Filter front dimensions according EN 15805
Rec. final pressure drop acc. EN 13053: M5-F7: 200 Pa, F8-F9: 300 Pa
Maximum airflow: 1,25 x nominal flow
Temperature max: 70ºC
RH. max: 100%
Mounting/Frames: Front and side access housings and frames are available
Food and Beverage or Life-Science activities have set new standards in product quality and therefore require specific characteristics regarding process definition.
Camfil, as the leader in clean air solutions and air filtration, has developed the complete ProSafeTM range of products designed for the most demanding processes, including safety, traceability and audits requirement.